Happy Fitfriday everyone! So instead of a lesson today, I wanted to let you know what I’ve been up to for the last five weeks. If you remember, I was supposed to start a bodyweight 30-Day challenge. Well, after a couple of false starts, I decided enough was enough and went back to bodybuilding. Because […]
Making time…Remember a month ago when I had all these high hopes of doing a 30-day challenge and whatever? Yeah, it so didn’t happen. I did a day, missed the next, did a day, missed the next, gave up which had been my MO for the last six months; I usually did better than […]
I need to drink more.Happy FitFriday! Last week I talked about the importance of realistic goal setting. I set some of my own; failed, succeeded, and started over. Sometimes its so freaking hard to start, right? But I did, and I’m proud to get back to health finally! I gave myself another new challenge this week and you should […]
The trick to learning how to squat!
Happy Workout Wednesday! Squats. So important, I’m not sure there’s a workout plan out there that doesn’t have them, but it’s so easy to do them wrong! I did for a long time until I learned a little trick I’m going to share with you today. This is how most ‘squat instructions’ go… Stand straight […]
FitFriday: Setting GoalsHappy FitFriday all ya’ll beautiful people! I’ve got a confession; I haven’t been good for a while now. It started back with a family emergency back in July that stopped me from working out for almost three weeks. There was the six-week illness. The kids got behind in homeschool and that’s all me. My characters […]
Add Fat!!! Yes, you read that right!
Happy Friday Friends! Today, I am continuing my lesson on Fats. I’ve already explained the differences between them, so you know not all fats are created equal. But even with all the fact and statistics, studies and whatnot, most Americans have way too much ‘bad’ fat (thus removing it last week) and not enough ‘good’ […]
Cut the Crap-P.H.O’s
Happy Friday Fitfriends! Last week I talked at length about the difference between good, medium, and bad fats and this week we are going to take all of that information and put it into practice in our daily lives with step one of our fat mission, I’m not talking about natural trans fat that occurs […]
Go Plank Yourself 2
Happy Workout Wednesday all ya’ll beautiful people! Today, I’m continuing my plank series by going over a couple more variations: side and single-leg planks. They both can be performed using the forearm position or with straight arms. I find that in forearm position the side plank is much easier to hold (still hard but easier […]
Go Plank Yourself
And you should because they’re awesome for you! Happy Workout Wednesday all ya’ll beautiful people! I’ve already talked at length about the importance of core strength. Have you been sucking it up? Are you ready to move on? I hope so because today I’m going to teach you the basic plank! Planking is a simple […]
How the Farmers Market changed my life!
Happy Friday Fitfriends! Woo! I’m back and feeling fine! LOL! No, seriously breaking bone flu kicked my ass. Took just about a month to feel 100%, but here I am… back and better than ever. JK. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do! But I’ll get to where I need to be! Did […]