Happy Workout Wednesday all ya’ll beautiful people! Today, I’m continuing my plank series by going over a couple more variations: side and single-leg planks. They both can be performed using the forearm position or with straight arms. I find that in forearm position the side plank is much easier to hold (still hard but easier […]
#fitmom Friday
Happy Friday all ya’ll beautiful people! My first newsletter comes out on Tuesday! Have you signed up yet? There’s going to be a special giveaway… click the picture to sign-up today! Only one week until Baby Steps to Becoming a #fitmom & #fitfamily kicks off on April 14th! Let me say; I’m so freaking […]
Here’s what’s up!
Happy Monday all ya’ll beautiful people! Some of you may know that I’ve been in a creative writing slump, not going to lie, it sucks. HOWEVER, I have been busy working my first newsletter that will be emailed on April 11th! If you haven’t subscribed, click on the booty! If you subscribe, you’ll learn […]
Transformation Competition Tuesday ~ Week 3Happy Tuesday Everyone! Two weeks down for the 12-week transformation competition on my coach, Jaco De Bruyn’s website. Yesterday was check-in day. My numbers were excellent considering I had two international flights with two kids by myself and a whirlwind three-day trip to the states over the course of the week. I was a bit […]