Welcome to another Titillating Tuesday Back the Basics Author Interview all ya’ll beautiful people! Meet Sam T. Willis! Who you are and what do you write? Howdy, my name is Sam T Willis. I write Thrillers for the most part, ranging from the Action/Adventure to the Suspense/Conspiracy side of the genre. I have two novellas, […]
Happy Release Day To ME!!!
Good Morning and Happy Tuesday all ya’ll beautiful people! It’s here, it’s here, it’s here!!! Fate is a Mated Bitch (Lupinski Clan Book 1) released today! I’m so excited! But it wouldn’t have all come together without some folks. I have to give gigantic THANK YOUS to give! My hubby and kids who put up […]
Thursday Tease
Good morning and happy Thursday Tease all ya’ll beautiful people! I’ve got a couple more teasers for Fate is a Mated Bitch releasing November 8th that I made and link to check out the naughty one… Not bad, huh? So that you know, I’m going to be having a big giveaway next week starting Tuesday […]
Teaser Tuesday ~ Fate is a Mated Bitch
Good morning and Happy Teaser Tuesday all ya’ll beautiful people! OMFG! THERE’S ONLY ONE WEEK UNTIL FATE IS A MATED BITCH RELEASES!!! (Calm down Emmy… deep breath… clears throat) But I’m not excited or anything… bawhahahahahaha! Just kidding! I’m SO freaking excited! As promised I have a couple more teasers for you! But first, the […]
The Summer Indie Book Award nominees are in and…
ALL THREE of the Daearen Realms novels have been nominated!!! (Woo Hoo!!! So excited!) Meanmna: Fantasy and Young Adult categories! Bienn-Theine: Young Adult category! Eitlean: Paranormal category! Here’s all about the awards! 2016 Summer Indie Book Awards! The cold of winter is setting in, at least for […]
And the winners are…
Good Morning and Happy Monday all ya’ll beautiful people! It’s time to announce the winners of my It’s My Freaking Birthday Month Giveaway!!! Who’s excited? All winners have been emailed and you have until next Monday to reply before I pick a new winner. Thank you to everyone that participated! This was fun and I […]
Monday meanderings and a giveaway!Good morning and happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great week! Me, I still feel like… But, I did get Fate is a Mated B*tch off to my fabulous editor, Claudette Melanson. My cover designer is hard at work on books one and two of the Lupinski Clan, and he’s redoing the paperback […]