Welcome to my twenty-fourth Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet Sunday post! If you missed any of the previous posts or need a refresher on the entire story, you can catch up on my Meanmna ~ #8Sunday page. I’m picking up immediately after last week’s snippet so you missed nothing! Sarette’s mom just asked, “Did he […]
The Summer Indie Book Award nominees are in and…
ALL THREE of the Daearen Realms novels have been nominated!!! (Woo Hoo!!! So excited!) Meanmna: Fantasy and Young Adult categories! Bienn-Theine: Young Adult category! Eitlean: Paranormal category! Here’s all about the awards! 2016 Summer Indie Book Awards! The cold of winter is setting in, at least for […]
Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet 23
Welcome to my twenty-third Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet Sunday post! If you missed any of the previous posts or need a refresher on the entire story, you can catch up on my Meanmna ~ #8Sunday page. I’m picking up immediately after last week’s snippet so you missed nothing! Sarette started to get up to […]
Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet 22
Welcome to my twenty-second Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet Sunday post! If you missed any of the previous posts or need a refresher on the entire story, you can catch up on my Meanmna ~ #8Sunday page. I’m picking up immediately after last week’s snippet so you missed nothing! Sarette just sat down across the […]
Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet 21
Welcome to my twenty-first Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet Sunday post! If you missed any of the previous posts or need a refresher on the entire story, you can catch up on my Meanmna ~ #8Sunday page. I’m picking up immediately after last week’s snippet so you missed nothing! Sarette’s mom just said, “It’s a […]
And the winners are…
Good Morning and Happy Monday all ya’ll beautiful people! It’s time to announce the winners of my It’s My Freaking Birthday Month Giveaway!!! Who’s excited? All winners have been emailed and you have until next Monday to reply before I pick a new winner. Thank you to everyone that participated! This was fun and I […]
Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet 20
Welcome to my twentieth Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet Sunday post! If you missed any of the previous posts or need a refresher on the entire story, you can catch up on my Meanmna ~ #8Sunday page. I’m picking up immediately after last week’s snippet so you missed nothing! Mom was sitting at our […]
Monday meanderings and a giveaway!Good morning and happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great week! Me, I still feel like… But, I did get Fate is a Mated B*tch off to my fabulous editor, Claudette Melanson. My cover designer is hard at work on books one and two of the Lupinski Clan, and he’s redoing the paperback […]
Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet 19
Welcome to my nineteenth Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet Sunday post! If you missed any of the previous posts or need a refresher on the entire story, you can catch up on my Meanmna ~ #8Sunday page. What you missed: Sarette went through one possible scenario where in the end she made her mother cry […]
Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet 18
Welcome to my much delayed eighteenth Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet Sunday post! Missed all ya’ll! But sometimes life… you know? If you missed any of the previous posts or need a refresher on the entire story, you can catch up on my Meanmna ~ #8Sunday page. What you missed: Technically, nothing but it’s been […]