Welcome to my second Sunday Snippet and Weekend Writing Warriors post! By participating, I’ve learned to embrace the use of the semi-colon; so please, excuse any funky punctuation and the extraordinarily-long sentences.
This week’s snippet takes place shortly after last week’s snippet. Elwin was only able to drop one bombshell on Sarette before she kicked him out of her car, drove home, and is still sitting in her driveway thinking of what to say to her mom.
…Hey Mom; so I totally disregarded what you said and went to the freaky bookstore in town where I came to believe that I am completely insane—like “bring-your-insurance-card-and-commit-me” insane. Of course, I’m only crazy if what this really hot guy—I mean, smoking hot guy—said isn’t true; my family, who have been secretly watching me, would like to see me. Not my family as in you, the only family I’ve ever known, but rather my dad’s family; surprise! You remember Dad? The guy you met when you were finishing your dissertation? The guy you fell so completely in love with that you’ve never gotten over him? Mom, please don’t cry; wait, you don’t need another bath, please come back!
“Crap,” I said as I dropped my head on the steering wheel, accidentally hitting the loud-obnoxious car horn, and then sat back and covered my mouth with my hands—like that helped.
I hope you enjoyed this snippet, come back next week for eight more extraordinarily-long sentences! Now it’s time to go and check out more fabulous fiction eight sentences at a time, offered by the folks at Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors!
Do you have a WIP, an EIP, an MS, or a published work you want to share on your blog, eight sentences at a time? Do you want to sample other people’s WIPs, EIPs, MSs, or published works, eight sentences at a time? Be a Weekend Writing Warrior!

Meanmna: Book One of the Daearen Realms
Seventeen-year-old Sarette has always thought of her life as average, even a bit boring. She does well in school, has a loving mother and a loyal best friend, Mathew. Of course, she has her problems as well—cold Michigan winters, a long-lost father she knows nothing about, and the lack of a boyfriend. She also has the vague sensation that she is being watched by some unseen entity, but figures that means she’s average and crazy.
Nothing could be further from the truth . . .
Daearen isn’t much different than the human world. Imagine a world where science is replaced with magic.
Available at Amazon and Smashwords