For so long, my very existence teetered on the brink of death
That’s what happens, when you lose the other piece of your heart
I can’t sleep, write or work
Until, I meet him
The one who won’t let me fade back into the darkness
Now, I’m feeling things that I shouldn’t
But the man is determined to breathe me back to life
And, it’s been so long since I took a breath
I’ve been called a cold heartless bastard one too many times
However, I didn’t get to where I am by not taking chances
I’m the successful owner of Club Syn
And then I meet her
I’m torn between my mysterious caller and the raging storm
Now, I’m feeling things I’ve never felt before
One is untouchable, the other continues to push me away
And, it’s been so long since I’ve been inspired

Rebel, coffee addict and incurable romantic. Connie’s a shift-supervisor by day and an author at night. She loves spending time with her family and friends, taking walks along the beach, and listening to music. If she’s not in her office writing, you can bet she’s curled up on the couch with her nose buried in a book. Connie lives in Connecticut with her husband, Alan.
Connie’s a true believer in love conquering all… This being the reason why she loves writing romance novels. She wants to create a story based on strong, believable characters One’s that will make you laugh, cry and feel every emotion under the sun. Connie wants to leave you breathless and begging for more…