Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet 2



Welcome to my second Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet Sunday post! Continuing the story of Meanmna: Book One of the Daearen Realms,skipping just a bit ahead so you can get a little more background on Mathew and Sarette’s relationship. (Sorry folks, who commented wishing for romance.) You missed meeting Mom, but you’ll learn more about her later. Sarette and Mathew just got into a little argument, and Mom told them to tell each other sorry, go and get coffee, then went to take a bath.



We sheepishly looked at each other and simultaneously said, “You’re sorry,” then raced toward each other yelling, “Jinx, pinch, poke! You owe me a Coke.”
I think between Mathew, Mom, Mama, and me, we owe ourselves around forty-eight kabillion or so Cokes, although my math might be off a bit.
I looked at Mathew’s stupid “I won” smirk, but I couldn’t stay mad at him and stuck my tongue out at him instead.
We’ve known each other our entire lives and my life story is woven into our shared experiences—good, bad, and indifferent— we share a bond that I suspect even real siblings don’t have together.
Our shared lives started on day one of our existence; looking into the nursery from the outside, our moms met while in the hospital on December 21, 1998.
Both were looking fondly at their newly-born babies lined up next to one another in little Plexiglas cribs—each of us wrapped in hospital-issued blue, white, and red-striped blankets.
I guess our moms bonded because they were both alone in the hospital, neither of our fathers stuck around and neither had any other family.
Both twenty-something single parents alone in every way until they found each other, instant best friends.
At the hospital, Mom invited Mama and Mathew to stay with us until they got on their feet; she had just inherited a large home from her parents in Adrian, Michigan and there was plenty of room for all of us.
We were practically raised as siblings and early on, we started calling Mathew’s mother “Mama” and my mother “Mom” to distinguish between the two.

No worries folks, romance is headed for both of them. I hope you enjoyed this week’s snippet! Let me know in the comments below!

Check back in next week for Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet 3 of Meanmna: Book One of the Daearen Realms!

But, if you can’t wait for next week…



Seventeen-year-old Sarette has always thought of her life as average, even a bit boring. She does well in school, has a loving mother and a loyal best friend, Mathew. Of course, she has her problems as well—cold Michigan winters, a long-lost father she knows nothing about, and the lack of a boyfriend. She also has the vague sensation that she is being watched by some unseen entity, but figures that means she’s average and crazy.

Nothing could be further from the truth . . .

Daearen isn’t much different than the human world.

Imagine a world where science is replaced with magic.


Now it’s time to go and check out more fabulous fiction eight sentences at a time, offered by the folks at Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday!

List of participants is here!

Do you have a WIP, an EIP, an MS, or a published work you want to share on your blog, eight sentences at a time? Do you want to sample other people’s WIPs, EIPs, MSs, or published works, eight sentences at a time? Be a Weekend Writing Warrior!

Thanks for stopping by!

Have an awesome weekend everybody!


Meet Emmy Gatrell

Hi! I’m Emmy, a 42-year-old Stay-At-Home-School-Mom to two teenage boys, nine dogs, and a husband. I write and publish fiction in multiple genres including epic fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, dystopian, speculative fiction, and supernatural horror ranging from young adult through four-flame +18. As you can tell I love all things that go bump in the night ;) I also love food. I’ve published the first five cookbooks of my No Frills Cookbook Series. My first coffee table cookbook TACO FREAKS (52 Recipes and Thoughts about the Best Day of the Week) publishes soon!