Welcome to my fifth Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet Sunday post! If you missed any of the previous posts, you can catch up on my Meanmna ~ #8Sunday page. This week’s snippet takes place immediately after last week’s.
What you missed: Nothing!
I waited a few seconds, taking in the smell of sage, incense, and a mixture of other organic smells while my eyes adjusted to the crazy ambient lighting.
When I could see again, I noticed the Christmas lights hanging haphazardly from one piece of furniture or fixture to the next, giving a multi-colored glow that added to the ambiance.
Wind chimes were clinking, and ringing as the air from a small oscillating fan blew past them.
Bookcases lined all the walls; I smiled when I saw the bookcase that contained the novels about vampires, fairies, witches, werewolves, and such.
Celine, the shop’s owner, had a handwritten sign hanging over it that read “FICTION?” as if she had a question about whether or not that stuff was real.
The case to the left displayed all the candles.
I needed a new water candle.
I have no idea why mine always burned up so much faster than the others; one would think that a “water” candle would burn slower.
Nor do I understand why I shouldn’t purchase a batch of them at one time, but Celine said you get better results from a new candle that has recently had the appropriate spell cast.
Apparently spells have a short shelf life, so I come here a lot.
Hmmmm, Is it Fiction? Sarette’s going to find out real soon!
I hope you enjoyed this week’s snippet! Let me know in the comments below!
Check back in next week for Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet 6 of Meanmna: Book One of the Daearen Realms!
But, if you can’t wait for next week…
Seventeen-year-old Sarette has always thought of her life as average, even a bit boring. She does well in school, has a loving mother and a loyal best friend, Mathew. Of course, she has her problems as well—cold Michigan winters, a long-lost father she knows nothing about, and the lack of a boyfriend. She also has the vague sensation that she is being watched by some unseen entity, but figures that means she’s average and crazy.
Nothing could be further from the truth . . .
Daearen isn’t much different than the human world.
Imagine a world where science is replaced with magic.
Now it’s time to go and check out more fabulous fiction eight sentences at a time, offered by the folks at Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday!
Do you have a WIP, an EIP, an MS, or a published work you want to share on your blog, eight sentences at a time? Do you want to sample other people’s WIPs, EIPs, MSs, or published works, eight sentences at a time? Be a Weekend Writing Warrior!

Thanks for stopping by!
Have an awesome weekend everybody!
~ Emmy
Yea! New Giveaway!
Win a copy of Meanmna: Book One of the Daearen Realms
as well other books, prizes, and $120 Paypal cash!
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