Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet 7

Welcome to my seventh Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet Sunday post! If you missed any of the previous posts, you can catch up on my Meanmna ~ #8Sunday page. I am skipping ahead a couple of paragraphs from last week’s snippet.


What you missed: Sarette described the little girl as around five, strawberry-haired, big green eyes, and pink cheeks.


, since they are very rare and are indigenous to the Magaliesberg Mountain region of South Africa. Thanks, Mom the geologist. I feel smart.
Amethyst Spirit Crystal

The little girl is wearing a silver band on her forehead that looked like a crown and was holding a clear wand with an amethyst spirit crystal on the end.

Amethyst Spirit Crystal: Sarette recognizes it because her mom is a geologist and is surprised a kid has one since they are very rare and are indigenous to the Magaliesberg Mountain region of South Africa and feels smart because she knows that. 🙂

Celine, the shop owner, joins them only a minute later.

“Paige …” Celine walked through a beaded curtain from the back room, then stopped, her eyes widening when she saw the little girl she then turned to me and said, “I see you met my . . . um . . . niece . . . Paige.”

Breaking the totally strange silence that descended, I walked to Paige with my hand out, “Hi, Paige. I’m Sarette.”

She looked at my hand like she had no idea what to do with it; that’s when I noticed the blood, “Oh, shoot! I cut my hand on the crystal.”

I grabbed a tissue from the Kleenex box when the bell on the door rang and I glanced at the mirror behind the counter; the door slowly swung open and then shut, but no one was there.

“Got anything to keep me from losing the rest of my mind,” I asked Celine.

She was staring with a frown on her face at something behind me and to my right, after a moment she smiled and gently patted me on the arm, “Oh, sweetheart that’s an old door; you’re not going crazy. So, why are you here besides the coo-coo candle?”

“Is there a coo-coo candle?”

That half-laugh—more of a snicker—sounded behind me again.

This time, I pretended I didn’t hear it; no need to alienate anyone else with my crazy weirdness.


Poor Sarette, she has no idea what crazy weirdness is heading her way…

I hope you enjoyed this week’s snippet! Let me know in the comments below!

Check back in next week for Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snippet 8 of Meanmna: Book One of the Daearen Realms!

But, if you can’t wait for next week…



Seventeen-year-old Sarette has always thought of her life as average, even a bit boring. She does well in school, has a loving mother and a loyal best friend, Mathew. Of course, she has her problems as well—cold Michigan winters, a long-lost father she knows nothing about, and the lack of a boyfriend. She also has the vague sensation that she is being watched by some unseen entity, but figures that means she’s average and crazy.

Nothing could be further from the truth . . .

Daearen isn’t much different than the human world.

Imagine a world where science is replaced with magic.




Now it’s time to go and check out more fabulous fiction eight sentences at a time, offered by the folks at Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday!

Do you have a WIP, an EIP, an MS, or a published work you want to share on your blog, eight sentences at a time? Do you want to sample other people’s WIPs, EIPs, MSs, or published works, eight sentences at a time? Be a Weekend Writing Warrior!



Thanks for stopping by!

Have an awesome weekend everybody!

~ Emmy


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Meet Emmy Gatrell

Hi! I’m Emmy, a 42-year-old Stay-At-Home-School-Mom to two teenage boys, nine dogs, and a husband. I write and publish fiction in multiple genres including epic fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, dystopian, speculative fiction, and supernatural horror ranging from young adult through four-flame +18. As you can tell I love all things that go bump in the night ;) I also love food. I’ve published the first five cookbooks of my No Frills Cookbook Series. My first coffee table cookbook TACO FREAKS (52 Recipes and Thoughts about the Best Day of the Week) publishes soon!